I'm sitting in front of my mac book slightly exhausted from spending two enervating hours online posting, updating, requesting, and uploading all in the name of Dreaming in Color. I realize that I've become my own marketing team, but I also recognize that if I don't market my product, no one else will. If I don't spend the time promoting Dreaming in Color, no one outside of my immediate circle will know that the film exist. So, I've given as much of myself as I can to make sure that she is successful. I mean she is my baby. If I don't nurture her, how will she grown to become strong and healthy?
I guess having a self-made product whether it be a film, an album, a mix-tape, a clothing line, a book, or a small business is really like having a child. When they're first born people will take notice and think the kid is cute. They'll congratulate you and buy a few packs of diapers to show their support. But, after that you're on your own. You have to raise that child through the good times and the bad times; through the triumphs and the defeats; through the criticism and rejection. Yet, just like a parent, no matter how frustrating or discouraging raising that child may seem, you're always going to love it because you birthed it.
So shout-outs to all of the entrepreneurs, visionaries, go getter, and moguls in the making. I know your money is low because you spent your last dime trying to get your product out. I know it's frustrating at times when you're trying to create your own demand but it seems as if no one loves you. I know it's hard raising this baby we call our dream, but in the words of late great Tupac Shakur "keep your head up."
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